The reception centre
La Palabre reception centre, Mame Diarra Diallo, was built to give an accommodation for the women and young girls who have been victim of violence. It will allow them to rebuild themselves and to receive a professional training to be able to reintegrate into the society. More information on this project here.
The awareness campaign
Since December 2016, La Palabre is running a project which goal is to raise awareness of at least 2400 pupils. To do so, interventions are taking place in 24 schools of all levels and deal with topics such as violence on women and girls and the recourses they have. To have more details, go to the page dedicated to the project.
The defence of human rights and the development of the most vulnerable populations are daily struggle. You can help us to carry on our actions by donating with a few click here.
April 8th: Day out with the kids of the evening school.
On April 8th, the organisers of the evening school have brought the kids on a day strip. Thus, 26 kids have spent a great day outside of school. At the program of the day: discovery of the Pink Lake near Dakar, pic nic on the beach and visit of the tortoises' village to discover fascinating but also threaten of extinction. This day was thus dedicated to the protection of the environment. Here are some pictures.
March 8th: International day of women's rights.
For this international day of women's rights, La Palabre was very busy. First, we took part of the events in the schools where our two colleagues Mrs. Khady DIOP and Mrs. Fatimata AW work. Then the children of the evening class have red poems dedicated to the women. Here are a few pictures.
April 4th: Senegal national day.
La Palabre participated to the 4th of April day by taking place in the parade organised by the city of Thiès. Mrs. Yacine KEITA and our two French volunteers Chloé and Marjorie have march with the women associations' group. Few pictures of the event here.
Last news:

May 2nd to 21st: the fortnight of women.
Mrs. Fatimata AW was our ambassador during the conference that took place for the Women's fortnight, on May 17th in Thiès. She spoke on our behalf to speak about violence on women and girls with the other women associations attending the event. Here are a few pictures.

May 23rd: press conference.
On May 23rd, La Palabre participated to a press conference that was organised to talk about the case of a 15 months old infant that was raped in a Thiès district the previous week. Among a group of other associations dealing with violence against women and girls, La Palabre condemned this act and express its support to the child family.