The Centre Mame Diarra Diallo
In Senegal, the women's alphabetisation rate is low because raising a girl is less important than raising a boy. The role of girls is that of future mother that works for her family. Thus, women and girls have few occasions to participate to the socio-economic development of the region and leave school at an early age.
Furthermore, many women of the region are victims of different types of violence and violations of their fundamental rights include Female Genital Mutilations and/or early and forced marriage. All these practices have harmful effects on the health and sexual development and are all a violation of the rights of women and children.
The Centre Mame Diarra Diallo (CMDD) has for main objective to offer a service which aims to contribute to the defence, reconstruction and economic and social reinsertion of the vulnerable populations, particularly women and girls that have suffer violence.
First, we want to increase the skills and job opportunities of these women and girls by offering them professional trainings on existing activities, but also by an economic monitoring on the sectors that create jobs in Senegal.
Then, the project is to allow the centre to become a place open for the nearby villages during the day. it is seen as a meeting, exchanges and initiatives place: for example, to the renewable energy and market gardening.
Finally, we would like to organise the centre so it can become a major spot for all the activities of the association.
On the long term, the Centre Mame Diarra Diallo will host activities such as:
The accommodation of women and girls that have been victims of any type of violence and abuses, especially those who are fleeing female genital mutilation, early and/or forced marriage, the consequences of a non-desired pregnancy;
The psychological and medical care of these people to help them rebuilding themselves;
The raise awareness on the sustainable development and to the environment;
The training on market gardening and cattle breading, stitching, gardening, bakery, pastry, hairstyling, etc.
The promotion of methods of renewable energy supply, and environmentally friendly building. The development of these installations in the centre will be used for the local population and other groups (businesses, school, universities, institutions, NGOs, etc.).
Classes :
o literacy campaign.
o strengthening in French, Arabic and English.
o computing and use of the internet.
The village of Dakhar Mbaye is situated just outside of Thiès. It is there that the association has bought a 5.1-acre land. In May 2009, the association had dug a well and then the building of the centre had started.
A first 275 m2 building was built on the land. It is now equipped with solar panels that allow the centre to be self-sufficient.
In 2013, activities have started with a group of women from the village of Dakhar Mbaye with the opening of a kindergarten that welcomes young children from the village from 9 to 12 every morning. The objective is to offer to the women of the village the opportunity to attend to their morning while their children are looked after by other mothers.
The CMDD is an autonomous project in its functioning and aim to be economically self-sufficient. This way, all that will be produced will be used for the needs of the centre or sold to create revenue for the centre.
To do so, La Palabre has signed partnership agreements. The agreement with the association GRAIM has the objective to offer a professional training in market gardening to the women and girls living at the centre, but also to earn money thanks to the commercialisation of the harvest.
The agreement with the company AVANCEE consists in the rent of a land for the agricultural exploitation, thus offering a revenue to the centre.
Today, the center is almost ready to open, it only needs to be furnished. La Palabre is now thinking of partnerships with the Association des Juristes Sénégalaises (AJS) as well as the Cegid to enter in the network that helps women and girl fleeing violence.
City of Koksijde
City of Nazareth
BESIX Fondation

Funded by:
International cooperation of the Community of Madrid

Humasol VZW
Zonta Club Brussels 1
Soroptimist international
VVF vrouwenstemmen
Monica's Friends