The president and co-founder of the association along with her friend Els Leye, Mrs. Khady KOITA has been a committed to the cause against Female genital mutilations (FGM) and early and forced marriage for many years. She is the writer of the book Blood Stain in which she talks about the violence she went through as a child, her early marriage as well as the domestic violence she suffered. She campaigns for the respect of the most vulnerable’s rights with many associations (GAMS France mutilation génitales, No Peace Without Justice). She founded the association La Palabre in 2006 and stand up to her numerous activities within the many organisations she works for as well as the management of the association in Belgium and Senegal.
The vice-president Mrs. Khady Sow DIOP, Trained teacher, has taught Spanish for 16 years in a high school. She is also in charge of the gender office in Jules Sagna high school on Thiès. She met Mrs. KOITA during her activities with girls and women within the gender office. She thinks that La Palabre is a way to widen her field of actions which allow her to feel happy after having helped someone, especially suffering girls.
The general secretary, Mrs. Fatimata AW, trained teacher, is in charge of the gender office in a high school. This office works on the awareness on Human rights, early pregnancies, and girl's vulnerability. She's involved in La Palabre because the association works on the same causes she was already dealing with at work. The vulnerability of the populations and the fight against the violence towards girls and women are her privileged field of actions: That is why she joined the association!
The treasurer Mr. Baba DIALLO works in a hospital where he can see the suffering of the most vulnerable people, mainly women and children. The need to help others made him join La Palabre so he can act for the development of his country. Furthermore, Mr. DIALLO Already has a huge experience since it's the fourth time he's taking the responsibilities of the treasurer for an association.

The association's direction office

The logistic assistant Mr. Amadou Gaye FALL is a student in logistics at the Thiès university. He's involved in La Palabre because he likes to work with children. For him acting with the association allows him to offer better living conditions for the future of the children and so for the future of the country.

In charge of the outside relations and coordinator of the evening school, Mr. Ibrahima MBOUP is a French teacher in a middle school. He joined La Palabre when he realised that he was already fighting for the same causes than those fought by Mrs KOITA. He wants to hand down his love for education and the values he received. For him the violence suffered by women and girls are a real humanitarian issue that needs to be fought with love and passion.

Medical advisor for La Palabre, Mrs. Yacine KEITA is working as a midwife where she's dealing with women and sometimes girls that have been victims of violence. she will fight violence against women and girls until her last breath. Violence against women and girls revolts her so much she would fight them alone if La Palabre didn't exist.

The direction office for the awareness campaign

The secretary of the awareness campaign project, Mrs. Fatimata SALL is a marketing and communication student. She was hired before she really realised the extent of missions of the association. She was deeply involved for the cause of women and girls and her commitment with the association allow her to fight the violence women are suffering daily and that revolt her.
Professional trainer for the awareness campaign project Mr. Pape Madiakher MBOUP is now retired. He worked for international organisation such as UNICEF for 22 years. During his entire career, he has worked for the development of vulnerable populations with an indestructible conviction. His involvement with La Palabre allow him to keep on with the actions he has fought for his entire life for a world without violence and where the rights of everybody would be respected: a world of peace and sharing.

Retired sport teacher, M. Lamine SOW is a relative of Khady Koita. When she offered him to participate to the association, soon after it was created in 2006, he did not hesitate. He was in charge of the evening school where he helped many children (60 when it was the most frequented) from CI classes to CM2 (6 to 12 years old). He got involved with us to help the children of the most destitute family, and the families never stopped supporting the project. Today he still teaches to about twenty children in the headquarter yard in Som Nietty Cadds district. He keeps getting involved to the deferent actions of the association because it allows him to remain active and to help Khady KOITA in the actions.
Mr. Ibrahima DIALLO member and treasurer assistant for La Palabre Senegal.
"I got involved in this association to play my part in the fight against violence. In fact, this fight against violence towards women and the most vulnerable part of the population, no matter it’s type, and the respect of the Human rights is vital because the prevalence of harmful traditional practices remain high in some part of our country. However, is it essential that we fight for a change in the mentalities of some family through awareness campaigns, to hope to live the eradication of this « scourge » that causes many problems in the Senegalese society."
Animator of the evening school, Modou Bousso DIOP is also a brilliant pupil. He started giving lectures to the children of the district before joining La Palabre. Since the president of the association lend them a room, the evening school kept growing and Modou is there every evening to help the 60 children attending the evening school. Thanks to his support and his generosity. The success of the children in their school tests kept on increasing but he remains humble, his only motivation is to help the children.

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