The Awareness Campaign
La Palabre has the conviction that the rise of the general literacy level of the population and the non-drop-out of the pupils during their school years will allow a reduction of violence, mainly those against women and girls. But this evolution must come with an understanding and debates with a receptive population.
Sexual violence against girls is one of the most delicate social issue in the area. Girls are exposed to many forms of violation of their rights: early and forced marriage, Early pregnancy, female genital mutilations (FGM), rape, assaults incest, paedophilia, sexual harassment and sexual exploitation.
In general, there are many programs and education initiatives within schools on Human rights including the right to sexual and reproductive health and the spread of the knowledge on the instruments for the protection of these rights.
The animation and awareness cell has for objective to contribute to the spread of the information on Human rights, and more particularly that of women and children.
These interventions, through information transfer, collective reflections and exchanges, should allow:
To raise awareness in the different types of violence;
To be informed on the national and international measures to fight them;
To be informed on individual rights and the different types of possible resort;
To know the existence of the association and of the help it can bring.
Thus, the current objective is to raise awareness among the children and teenagers of 24 primary and secondary schools in order to reach at least 2400 pupils.
The project started with the identification and training of "facilitateurs": People in charge of the animation of the awareness events.
These people are chosen regarding their training, that abilities and their personal motivations, this to guarantee a durability of the action in each school. The training took place during a two days’ session and brought tools to the facilitateurs so that they become able to talk about international legislations, the rights, the violence against women and girls and their resorts.
The animation and awareness activities have started in the schools in January 2017 and will end in June 2017. The first half of the awareness events in the primary schools has been a success and reached more than the 1200 pupil expected. The second half of the events, taking place in middle schools and high schools, will soon be over, the last ones should take place at the beginning of May.

Project funded by:
The Netherlands Ambassy